Anglo – Saxon reflection

An Anglo – Saxon hero is a warrior. A person who is humble intelligent and can still be 100. In that time to be a warrior was to be courageous and brave. Being able to face anything that stands in a warriors way should be for a Anglo – Saxon hero. Which is why beowulf was brought up many time because he has many traits of an Anglo – Saxon hero.

Anglo – Saxon heros are always kind hearted and always help out and would lay their lives to save another. A hero, this day would do the same exact thing but, in modern times they have more abilities and conflicts than a Anglo -Saxon hero. Hero’s have not evolved as much. A hero in let’s dc and marvel comics will protect anyone and anything. Some heroes might have attitude be independent or might be more out there and that what makes a modern day hero more different from a Anglo – Saxon hero. An anglo – saxon will always be compared as a warrior because they have strength and braveness.

The elegies seen today are shown in movies now and are everywhere around us. Music is usually compared a lot to an elegy in modern times. When the story mentions about a hero must notice when the world is letting it’s wealth lie to waste. I noticed it around us when we take stuff for granted.

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