Brave New world

Imma be honest I didn’t understand the book in some parts but all around the book was interesting. The society they lived in was so different. In our society we kind of live like that because we are conditioned in some way. We are raised by our parents a certain way and we are use to that life. If someone else has a opinion we argue or reacted a certain way towards that person because we are not used to that.

We don’t take pills like they do to be happy. They lived by the norms of their society like no one can fall in love, everyone can have se with each other, and everyone has to be the same and many more things. They have to obey the rules. Just like we do in our society we are ruled by government and live by the rules. It’s normal for them in the book to be that way.

In brave new world they have a changed situation like want a better world a futuristic world. The life we live in sometimes lies about things to make life seem worse than it is. Honestly sometimes I don’t believe the news or tv because of how the portray the world. Our society is different in some ways that it is questionable but it’s our norm just like in the brave new world book.

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