Brave New world

Imma be honest I didn’t understand the book in some parts but all around the book was interesting. The society they lived in was so different. In our society we kind of live like that because we are conditioned in some way. We are raised by our parents a certain way and we are useContinue reading “Brave New world”

Morte D’Arthur Reflection

A medieval romance involves kings and the codes of being a knight. It usually involves a heroic knight being the main character, and the character often goes on a quest. Medieval romances involve supernatural things that add a mysterious factor to the story. It includes a quest or an adventure. Morte D’Arthur and Arthurian legendContinue reading “Morte D’Arthur Reflection”

Canterbury Tales Reflection

As I was reading The Canterbury Stories. I noticed that they had deeper meanings. One of the stories that I read, was about people that were from all around England and traveled to stay in the Tabard inn, around spring time. They wanted to collect all of their blessings around canterbury. When they continued theirContinue reading “Canterbury Tales Reflection”

Reflection on Modern Movie Connections

In these movies I saw many connections through each and one of them. Love plays a big part, as well as someone always breaking a certain rule. Each movie did have a main person who went through something and ended off well in a certain way. These movies definitely were made a certain way toContinue reading “Reflection on Modern Movie Connections”

How to write readings reflection When reading Stephen King’s and William Zinsser ‘s book it teaches you how to be a better writer. They both explain it in their own way but still understandable. I took some things from these both books, especially a english term “clutter”. “Fighting clutter is like fighting weeds the writer is always slightly behind”Continue reading “How to write readings reflection”

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